Monday, March 23, 2009


Friday Job and I went out geocaching with my cousin Kenny and his wife Kim. This was Job's first time and I think he enjoyed it. That night we found four caches. Here are a few pictures but they seem to be backwards in order.
There was one cache that was hidden up inside this statue that Job found and then Kenny wanted to see where exactly it was hidden.
After a few caches and before we went on to more we stopped by the park and roasted some hot dogs. It took us a long time to get this fire started, but it was worth it because hot dogs are always better roasted than microwaved (especially the really good hot dogs).

The picture above and below should be switched. The picture below is of Kenny and Job searching for a cache around this rock (where they thought it was) up on this mountain. The picture above is of Kim, Kenny and Job at the rock that the cache was really at. This one took at least a half hour to find because we thought it was across the street. While on the other side of the street Job and Kim waded through the water while Kenny and I drove around. I think the last thing my doctor needs is for me to fall in the water or off of the mountain.

Kim and I up on the mountain by the "C". We attempted to drive up there to find some caches but we came upon a lot of snow so we walked up the road a little ways to see the view and how much snow there actually was. We ended up turning around for others.
This was a picture of our first one. Job found it underneath a rock. We just had to write our names in the little book.


Christina Tara said...

Don't you just LOVE geocaching?!? It's amazing! Love the pic of you preggo too!

NatMo said...

woo-hoo! That looks like fun! We can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!!

Lucy and Landon said...

Brit this is the first picture I have seen of you prego. I can't believe you are so big already,time just flies by doesn't it. Good luck in cali!!