Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Porter

Dear Porter-

I took you to the doctors' today. It was awful. Besides the fact that you are a big, healthy boy, you had to have a shot. On top of that shot you had to have your blood drawn to see if you were anemic.

I thought I could handle it because after your first set of shots I was okay with you getting shots. You would cry and tears would come and I thought it was so sad, but I would pick you up in my arms and hold you and you would settle down and become happy again.

This was not the case today when they drew your blood. We walked into that room and I sat you in my lap was the "mean" lady got things prepped. She told me I would have to hold you tight so you would not move. You are a strong, determined little boy. You wanted to hold onto everything until she poked you.

I watched as she moved the needle in your arm trying to get it into your vein. I just held you tighter, kissing your head and feeling the tears well up in my eyes. You were not the only one crying in that room today, mommy was crying with you.

It seemed to take forever until it was done. At one point I just wanted to tell the "mean" nurse to stop it and take the needle out. Before she was done you got a hold of the tubing and almost pulled it out of your arm. They had to tape a cotton swab to your arm.

I think you are going to have a bruise.

I am sorry. Mommy loves you very much. I will hold your cute self a little bit longer today.

Love Mommy

1 comment:

Lori Killian said...

oh how sad. That is mean that they made you hold him still.