Sunday, February 19, 2012

Annie Banannie

Our little Annie chose to come on her own terms. Because of my insurance switching, I was not told about a different due date. Five weeks before she was due, my new doctor moved my due date back a week. Boo. For two weeks I was thinning and slowly dilating. I reached my due date and was ready for little Annie to come. I tried everything; walking, spicy foods, jumping jacks, speed bumps and even castor oil ... nothing worked. The last week I had a lot of Braxton hicks. I went to my doctors appointment on Wednesday and was 70 percent thinned and dilated to 1.5. I was having irregular contractions. Thursday I took Porter to a friend's house so I could go to a non-stress test. During that time I had some good contractions, but nothing regular. Annie looked great and because she was pretty much as low as she could be without falling out, they guessed that I was about dilated to a 2 and 75 percent thinned. Because I was a week late I felt if she did not come in the next couple days I would want to be induced, so I scheduled an induction for Saturday morning. I picked Porter up and by 1:30 I had Porter down for a nap and was laying in bed, hoping for a nap. I started to get stronger contractions, but regular enough. Porter was awake by 3 and so I pulled him in bed with me and some crackers and we watched cartoons until daddy got home at 5:30. During this time my contractions were every 10-12 minutes apart. I stayed in bed until just before 8, which I made my way to Olive Garden for a girl's dinner (I know, crazy, huh. I desperately wanted their Pear and Gorgonzola Ravioli). During the just over an hour I was gone I had 6-7 contractions, but it was worth every single bite. After arriving home about 9:15 I laid in bed until 10. I took a good long hot shower and blow dried my hair. Eleven I was lying in bed, still having strong contractions. I woke Job up at about 1:15 in the morning and told him to call his brother to come over. My contractions to every 5-6 minutes, for a half hour. I knew I could last until they got to our house, about another half hour. Job got up and started to get dressed. He put on a white shirt and I remember staring at him like he was crazy, which he then told me he had to look good for the little girl. He just wanted to see how alert I was. He changed. By 2 Joseph and Kelly were there and we arrived at Labor and Delivery around 2:20. It took the doctor an hour to check me, I think it was because they thought I was too calm to really be in labor. At 3:20 I was dilated to an 8 and 95 percent thinned. Ten minutes later, before the IV was in, I felt like I had to push. My water broke. They checked me and I was ready, but they were not. Annie had pooped and so they had to bring in extra staff in for her. She was born, not crying, at 3:54 in the morning on February 18. The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, twice, which I did not know until the next day. Crazy Job did not want me to worry. She was beautiful an healthy and has been since.

What a beautiful girl. We love you Annie. Happy birthday.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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