Monday, September 13, 2010

Lake Isabella Camping

Over Labor Day weekend we met my parents and sister Christina at Lake Isabella to do some camping. It was so much fun. We bought a bigger tent and Porter loved running around, throwing his ball down the little hill and playing in the water. I realized that I don't have a picture of myself on here because those are on my mom's camera. We played in the lake one day and took my parent's rafts out on the water and we went on the river the other days. Christina, Porter and I went geo caching. My dad took Job fishing and taught him the skills to catch his first fish, which we ate.

Christing and Porter playing in the lake.

Porter loved carrying the oars around and would not put them down, no matter what.

Porter completely dirty, carrying Grandpa's campfire gloves around.

My mom and I were sitting on the chairs talking and Porter walked around to the other side. We could here some noises but were not sure what was going on. He would look at us like this every now and then and continue what he was doing.

We decided to check it out and saw that he had found the water bucket and was loving it.

One night for dinner we made dutch oven pizza. It was so delicious. Definately a camping favorite of mine.

Porter loves phones and while my mom and I were getting dinner ready, Christina and Porter sat looking at her phone.

A sunrise one morning outside our tent.

There were some bad fires on the mountain within the last year and a whole campground got wiped out. This picture was taken from our car when driving by.

Job learning how to gut and clean a fish.

Job with his fish he caught.

His fish. Good Job honey.

Cooked fish.

Porter with Grandpa's hat on carrying the small shovel. He loved carrying the shovel everywhere.

Porter loved throwing his ball down the hill. Here he is at the bottom of the hill with the ball that he got from a cache.

Porter and Grandpa throwing rocks at the bottom of the hill. He loved throwing rocks, especially in the water.

Grandma and Porter walking back up the hill.

Porter helping Grandpa clean out his tent.

1 comment:

Christina Tara said...

Porter is soooo stinkin' cute! Great pictures. I love all the ones of Job and his fish. You were so proud of your hunter/gather!

That was so much fun and I miss you guys already! Is it Thanksgiving yet?!?