Friday, September 24, 2010

Random Fun with Porter

Last weekend we went to Job's cousin's wedding and they had these little fans that Porter figured out how to use. He also was able to play with one of Job's cousin's son. It was so cute to watch the two together. They are 5 days apart and have identical personalities. We also took Porter to the cemetary where Job's grandparents are and he tried pulling the flags out of the ground.

Some things about Porter:
He is almost 16 months
Loves the outdoors (thinks if he has shoes on he gets to go outside or thinks if the door gets open he gets to go outside)
Loves balls and hats
Know the number 2. If he has 2 things in his hands than he holds them out and says 2.
Loves his daddy and hates when he leaves.
Knows how to say dada, mama, baby, hat, ball, dog, spoon, car, grandpa, out, plus more
He has 8 teeth but is getting at least 5 more
He loves to laugh
He can blow on his food,
Kiss his baby sister (say sister when he feels like it)
Climbs on everything
Plays peek-a-boo
Throws a ball like a champ


Kimberly Brooksby said...

How stinking cute! I wish I was there to see some of this! He is getting SO big!!!!

Christina Tara said...

AWESOME picture of the 3 of you!!!!!!