Friday, August 10, 2012

Lovely Idaho

We went to Idaho!! The kids and I flew up on July 15, Job flew up on the 20 and we all flew home together on the 26. Oh my, oh my how much fun we had. My sister Lori had her second daughter, which was being blessed, and her husband graduated from BYUI. Our trip was filled with lots of fun, some of which I never got photos of :( The kids spent hours outside playing.
We took the kids to the park a few times.
The did some mushroom hunting in the back yard. It reminded me of my Grandpa Palmer.
The kids made peanut butter play dough with Grandma and they LOVED it!! Porter and Brooklyn sat there for what seemed like hours.
We went with Aunt Christina to the lake for her YSA activity. Porter and Annie love the water.
Lori surprised Kurt with a motorcycle for his graduated. It was the one he looked at several times, but she convinced him not to get it, when in reality she had worked a deal with the guy selling it. Sneaky girl. He loves it.
Great Grandma Beth was able to come too, and Porter LOVED having her around. He always preferred doing things with her or having her by him. We were able to visit Job's Uncle Kevin and his wife and one of his daughters, Kjerstin, and her family. I am so glad we were able to visit with them. This was the first REAL time I have had that pleasure. What great people. Kjerstin's kids are so close to ours. Boston and Porter are a few days apart and Annie and Chloe are about 6 months apart. They all had so much fun together.
The day Grandpa and Grandma left we were able to snap some pictures.
One of the joys of going was being able to visit a few of the families Job loved on his missions. Since he served his mission in the Pocatello mission, he has quite an attachment there, which is okay with me. The Wards took us to lunch to "That One Place" (something like that). Delicious food and wonderful company. We were also able to visit the Hoffmans, which is always a delight. The kids LOVED playing catch with their dog. What a wonderful couple.
We love, love, love Idaho and cannot wait to get back. Maybe some day we can open our dream bakery in that lovely, quiet place. Until we get back we will only dream of it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)